Barry McKinnon: the golden daybreak hair (1967) Type Faces: Joanna, Albertus. Paper: Hamilton Kilmory Gold, handmade unryu. Pages: 46. Dimensions: 21 x 13 cm. Binding format: Codex with a slip case. Copies: 150. The Aliquando Century BK 14.
William Rueter has shown an interest in printing Canadian poets. This is the first of Barry McKinnon’s published books of poetry, although in 1966 The Aliquando Press published his Three Poems which consisted of a text of 3 pages in an edition of 50 copies for private distribution. McKinnon has gone on to publish a number of books of poetry and prose with various publishers. Shown here is the slip case on the left and the cover of the book on the right. The white is an overlay of handmade unryu. The design pattern beginning with the slip case is carried to the cover and then into the first pages of the book (not shown).