HA&L Biographical SketchChester Gryski
Chester Gryski has an interest in Canadian fine printing that extends over 40 years and has resulted in him getting to know the fine printers and building a collection of their works. Over 35 of his articles on various aspects of Canadian fine printing have been published in DA: A Journal of the Printing Arts and Amphora, the Journal of the Alcuin Society. He has curated exhibitions - on the work of Robert R. Reid at the Robertson Davies Library of Massey College at the University of Toronto; on the work of Glenn Goluska at the Robertson Davies Library and also at the John Kelly Library of St Michael’s College at the University of Toronto. Most recently in 2022, he curated an exhibition of the work of William Rueter’s The Aliquando Press at the Grimsby Public Art Gallery, Grimsby, Ontario. [Photo by Camilla Gryski.]