HA&L Biographical Sketch • Leo Dragtoe
PLAY AUDIO VERSION: voice of Roxanna Bennett
Leo Dragtoe is a man of many words. Words seem to like him and the feeling is mutual: they have developed a very close relationship. As Leo drags his feet through the street corners, alleyways and moonlit pavements of everyday life, words ring in his ears, tear at his heartstrings and permeate his mind. Sometimes they find their way onto scraps of paper or the throbbing insomniac canvas of a computer screen. Sometimes they fuse with melody to become songs. Sometimes words keep Leo up at night. Sometimes they echo through the dim, deserted hallways of his dreams. Leo Dragtoe is a man of few ambitions. He has no desire to Climb the Corporate Ladder, Slay the Dragon, Scale the Barbwire Fence to Sainthood, or Save the Universe. He would, however, love to spend some time, have a drink and maybe pass a few words your way. If those words come together and the poetry they create is potent, anything can happen. Leo hopes that the words he shares make an impression. The nature of that impression is completely up to you. Sometimes life is difficult. Smiles are few and far between. But if this life is just a dream, Leo believes with all his heart that poetry makes living the dream worth living.
Read or Listen to Poetry: Boogie Street Minstrel by Leo Dragtoe >>>
[This HA&L biographical sketch and introduction © 2019-20 LD.]