HA&L Biographical Sketch
Lara Gibson
Lara Gibson is 16 years old and born in England. Originally, she struggled with English due to her dyslexia; however, it was only when she left the physical school environment and taught herself for a year that her true love for it was discovered. Now, she is studying for a degree in English Literature and Creative Writing, and this is her debut publication.
While she writes a lot about her emotions and previous experiences to process her traumas, she also strongly believes in nature and preserving our heritage. When she’s not writing or studying, she can be found doing work experience on a farm and reading lots of literature. She hopes to one day live in Canada both writing and farming every day.
Now enjoy Poetry: An Atonement to Mother Nature by Lara Gibson >>>
[This HA&L biographical sketch and introduction © 2024-25 LG.]