Edge Forgiveness
Turn from cliff edge—a seed erupts, a crow krawks.
Decibel of its laughter echoes the ten-mile gap
between North and South Rim—gift & affection for the ear.
Our palms sweaty with imagined plummet, ranger perches on rock,
lectures on the quotient of a thousand caches.
Pinyon jay, forgetting five percent of its buried hoard, calculates
a geometric increase in pines, tracks an abstract topology, a map …
I grab from the glove box, you, in the driver’s seat,
me, unfolding campsites, ferry crossings, tracing
lost rivers, roads that won’t refold. Last night, Orion’s Belt
scraped the chasm’s rim. Today, condor wings
spiral up Vermilion Cliffs. You, a trace of black feathers.