HA&L 13th Anniversary
INTRODUCTION: The Science Issue by GUEST EDITOR Sima Rabinowitz
Poetry: Ekphrastic for Cheselden’s Skeleton, 1733 by Remi Recchia
Poetry: This is How You Learn to Be Human by Sneha Madhavan-Reese
Poetry: Edge Forgiveness, December Count, and Sea Level Flux (Midden 108) by Mark McKain
Poetry: summer at the apiary and cells by Anne Baldo
Poetry: Boolean Search and Boole's Defense by Grace Sanchez MacCall
Kim Morgan: Blood Portraits by Susan Gibson Garvey
Video: Blood Portraits by Kim Morgan
The Call Bell is On – Stories from a Nurse by Brittany Friesen
Life without Science – A Retrospective Study by Sima Rabinowitz
RIPPLE: A Play by Rachael Carnes
The Art and Science of Medical Illustration An interview with Jill K. Gregory, MFA, CMI by Sima Rabinowitz
Photo essay: Canadian Brains by Mark Cembrowski
Museum of Steam and Technology A short film: Steam Pump by Michael Mitchell, music composed by Charles James
On Composing The MusicFor Michael Mitchell'sFilm Steam Pump by Charles James
William F. Pinar on George Grant (A Discussion of Moving Images of Eternity: George Grant’s Critique of Time, Teaching, And Technology) by J.S. Porter
Portfolio: a pandemic project by Camille Nivera
Book Review: The Dirty Nature of David Huebert’s Chemical Valley by Jenn Carson
Book Review: Edited by Nicholas Bradley, An Echo in the Mountains: AL PURDY AFTER A CENTURY by Brooke Pratt
Book Review: Charlie C. Petch's Why I Was Late by J.B. Stone
Book Review: Anna van Valkenburg’s Queen and Carcass by Richard Van Holst
Short Story: Querida by Camille Nivera
Video poem: Lady in Shadow by Richard Van Holst
Video poem – The story of how a poem becomes a song: “JADE” by Leo Dragtoe
Video interview: Jeffery Donaldson on The Middle Way of William A. Stephens and Bernadette Rule on the 13th Anniversary of Art Waves
Participatory Art in Rural Communities: Pivoting through a Pandemic by Alexis Moline
SONGS from Tuesday Choir - Without Mass: From Swale to Dome by Treasa Levasseur and Tor Lukasik-Foss
Planting Gorillas? No! Guerilla planting! by Gary Fordham
SUBMIT! CALL TO HAMILTON-AREA ARTISTS! The Art of Creation: explaining early origins SCIENCE through art • Deadline March 4, 2022
SEE HA&L RAVE for more
SHORT WORKS PRIZE for Writing: See who was recognized in 2021!
RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP! Help HA&L to continue publishing!
“Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.” ― Albert Einstein (1879–1955)
“A marveilous newtrality have these things mathematicall, and also a strange participation between things supernaturall, immortall, intellectuall, simple and indivisible, and things naturall, mortall, sensible, componded and divisible.” ― John Dee (1527–1608) Preface to Euclid’s Elements, 1570
“At first it seems obvious, but the more you think about it the stranger the deductions from this axiom seem to become; in the end you cease to understand what is meant by it.” ― Bertrand Russell (1872-1970)
GUEST EDITOR: Sima Rabinowitz Paul Lisson: Editor Fiona Kinsella: Editor / Designer Associate Editor: Shane Neilson Founding Art Director: Peter Stevens (1963-2015) Contributing Editor: David Forsee (1944-2017)
Hamilton Arts & Letters 13TH ANNIVERSARY issue fourteen.2 ISSN 1916-8454
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HA&L magazine acknowledges the generous support of the Canada Council for the Arts, the Ontario Arts Council an Ontario Government Agency, the Centre for Community Engaged Narrative Arts, and the City of Hamilton. Sincere thanks to all of HA&L's members and sponsors – we wouldn't be here without you!